Thursday Night Elective Courses

Unless otherwise indicated, all classes will be held twice. 7:00 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. – 8:50 p.m.


1. President’s Pathway: Your Essential Guide to Leading Facilitator: Todd Breton


2. Building a Club of Belonging Facilitators: PDG Michelle Bohreer and PDG Eric Liu


3. Transform Meetings into Unforgettable Events to Attract and Retain Members Facilitator: DGND Jeff Coleman


4. President's Role in Budgeting and Finances Facilitator: PDG Ronney Reynolds **Check side-panel for courses resources


5. Unmasking the Mysteries of Rotary Club Central and My Rotary Facilitator: Michael DeGrandis, Rotary International Club & District Support


6. The Power of Rotaract and Rotarians: Partners with a Purpose Facilitator: PDG Howard Templin and Rotaractor Vivi Bennett


7. Push for Polio Facilitator: PDG Rhonda Walls Kerby


8. Preventing and Addressing Sexual Harassment/Conflict Resolution Facilitator: PDG Bob Dill


9. Avoiding Legal Landmines: Club Liability for General Operation, Events, and Raffles - One session 7:00-7:50 p.m. Facilitator: PDG Jeff Tallas


10. Ten Easy Steps to Energize Clubs with Rotary Foundation Programs - One session only from 8:00 - 8:50 p.m. Facilitator: PDG Art Zeitler


11. Holding Stimulating and Effective Board Meetings and Club Assemblies Facilitator: PDG Andy Hagan


12. ClubRunner – Essentials and Advanced Facilitator: Zach Woods


13. Reception for Rotarian Spouses/Partners - One session only from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Facilitators: Susie McAlister and Clete McAlister
