P.E.T.S. (PETS) is the acronym for “President Elect Training Seminar”.  This is an event occurring one weekend a year when Rotary Club incoming presidents from ten Rotary Districts are trained for their new responsibilities.  The program addresses leadership and management skills and reinforces the participants knowledge of Rotary International and its myriad programs and opportunities for service. Lone Star PETS has historically been held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area because of its central location, ease of transportation and the availability of outstanding facilities.
There are currently ten Rotary Districts that make up the membership of Lone Star PETS (5730, 5770, 5790, 5810, 5830, 5840, 5870, 5890, 5910 and 5930). Almost all of these Districts lie totally within Texas and Oklahoma with the exception of District 5830 with three clubs in Oklahoma and one club in the Arkansas portion of the city of Texarkana.
The first meeting of Lone Star PETS was held March 13-15, 1987 in San Antonio, TX with nine charter districts that are still voluntarily participating today.  The organization was formally incorporated as a nonprofit corporation with the State of Texas in 1989 under the name of Lone Star P.E.T.S., Inc.
Following the letter and spirit of The Manual of Procedure, District Governors Elect are involved in planning and conducting Lone Star PETS.  For some District Governors Elect this weekend provides the first opportunity for them to get acquainted with those club presidents with whom they will be working during their Rotary year and in their respective leadership roles.  Goals are set and a plan of action is introduced that hopefully will enable the clubs individually and the District generally to have the best year ever.
District Governors and Governors Elect nominate Discussion Facilitators as well as future Operating Chairs from within their respective Districts. They review the curriculum, promote attendance and participate generally in evaluating the effectiveness of Lone Star PETS.
Through a survey, an attempt was made in January 1999 to determine the relevance of the training received at Lone Star PETS.  The group targeted was current club presidents after they had held office for 6 months.  Survey results will continue to be evaluated with the intention of making improvements and refinements in future Lone Star PETS programs where possible and practical.
Lone Star P.E.T.S., Inc. is administered by a Board of Trustees.  The Board is comprised of one member from each of the ten districts, the two immediate past Operating Chairs, the current Operating Chair, any elected future Operating Chairs, and the Executive Director.  The second prior Past Operating Chair serves as the Board Chair and the immediate Past Operating Chair serves as the Board Vice Chair.  The Executive Director is a Past Operating Chair and Past Board Chair.  All Past Rotary International Directors currently living in the organizations ten districts serve on an Advisory Council.  There knowledge and insights are invaluable to the Board.
The Lone Star PETS curriculum is reviewed annually.  The material used in conducting discussion groups is the heart and soul of this training effort.  Participants are divided into discussion groups of 16 to 30 trainees each based on the number of members in their respective clubs.  Each discussion group is led by a Discussion Facilitator.  Evaluations by participants of Discussion Facilitators performance are taken very seriously by the Board of Trustees in a continuing effort to maintain the highest quality of training possible.
Realizing the great importance of spouse support for the club president, a separate and specific program of indoctrination and inspiration is available. Basic Rotary information is provided to the Presidents Elect’s spouses on the programs of Rotary. A growing number of spouses, however, are themselves Rotarians.  The program to be continually reviewed and modified to reflect new trends within Rotary specifically and in society generally.  Our task is to improve on what is already good so that future generations of club Presidents Elect will be better able to lead Rotary into its second millennium knowing full well the best is yet to be.
One of the outstanding advantages Lone Star PETS has enjoyed over single-district training, is that we provide an opportunity for club Presidents Elect to hear top level Rotary International officers as they speak at the Plenary sessions. Additionally, these officers make themselves available to meet with smaller groups and with individuals sharing their insights, concerns, hopes and plans.  To hear these leaders speak to a large group and then perhaps later engage them in personal dialog is a rare opportunity indeed.