President Elect Courses
A-1 - Becoming a Vibrant Club Leader
Club Presidents and Presidents-elect will have an enhanced view of their role and function as club key leaders of Vibrant Rotary Clubs.
A-2 - Striving to be a Vibrant Rotary Club
Club Presidents and Presidents-elect will have tools to develop plans for building multiple-year momentum.
A-3 - Growing and Engaging Your Club Membership
Club Presidents and Presidents-elect will possess tools needed to champion effective membership development plans for their respective clubs.
A-4 - Increasing Humanitarian Service by Supporting "Our" Foundation
Club Presidents and Presidents-elect will possess tools necessary to increase humanitarian service accomplished by their clubs by developing club member support for The Rotary Foundation.
B-5 Reaching Out Through Service
Club Presidents will have the skills necessary to guide club members in planning, implementing, and
evaluating effective service projects.

B-6 Building Successful Fundraising Activities
Club Presidents will possess knowledge and insight about how to lead their respective clubs in
effective fundraising strategies.
C-7 Shining A Spotlight On Your Club
Club Presidents will be able to provide leadership to enhance the public image of Rotary in their
respective communities.

C-8 Identifying and Leading Change For Progress Sake
Club Presidents will have insight about assessing and leading needed change within their
respective clubs in relation to Vibrant Club culture.
President Nominee Courses
In addition to A-1 to A-4 above the following courses are presented.
B-5 Re-energizing My Rotary Club
Club Presidents-elect will recognize RI strengths, club flexibility options, and the need to develop a strong club leadership team.
B-6 Increasing Humanitarian Service
Club Presidents-elect will have the skills necessary to evaluate service projects and the involvement of club members.
B-7 Promoting Rotary
Club Presidents-elect will be able to provide leadership in reviewing and planning activities to enhance public and club awareness of Rotary’s impact.
C-8 Attracting Members
Club Presidents-elect will begin to develop innovative strategies for attracting new members.
C-9 Engaging and Retaining Members
Club Presidents-elect will begin to design a strategy to engage and retain club members in activities including training and development.
C-10 Leading My Vibrant Club
Club Presidents-elect will individually work to develop continuity and build relationships with club members to strengthen their respective club.